SSL Lab days 21-22 September

How can cutting-edge research contribute to urban development processes where decisions are made to create a more inclusive and sustainable urban environment?
Join the Senseable Stockholm Lab, KTH, MIT, and the City of Stockholm in our new premises in Kista on a journey through some of Stockholm´s most advanced research initiatives.
Meet the researchers and representatives from the city and discover new results from our ongoing projects in presentations and panels on Perceived Safety, Climate monitoring and adaptation, Urban Segregation and the effects of Urban Interventions.
During the days there will be presentations by key researchers in Senseable Stockholm Lab (SSL) on current and past projects. We will also discuss challenges faced in the Kista development and have a look at the vision for Kista. What are the challenges and how can they be addressed by SSL?
There will also be group discussions on transport and mobility, security and safety, climate, energy, attractiveness and segregation.
The event will be streamed live and a link will be posted later.
Time and place
21 September from 10:00
22 September from 09:00-12:00
Where: Kistagången 16